To start of this project, me and my partner did some general research about generation Y-ou. Just to get a physical pitch of the brief....
The young people facing challenges could be social networking, living at home or the global economy.
Then researching testimonials, ideas & stories : Some examples
Gaga- now present in pop culture & fashion | | |
What types of blogs are there & who are the new generation of fashion designers | | |
We have decided to focus on blogging. In terms of our new graphic designers giving their point of view about blog websites like (discovering the problems and tacking them).
Looking at different styles of advertisements:
Shaping up the idea further we have decided to analyse different types of advertisements because we have came up with the idea to create billboards.... it's a much more open spoken approach.
When i say analyse this means looking at typography, comparison and imagery.
American Express advert taken from the Metro newspaper |
Comedy Central advert |
We have done a questionnaire for CSM graphic designers to answer. Even so, they are the new generation we are also using them as our target audience.
Example of the questionnaire |
Billboard ideas & sketches: Some examples
Organising layout (looking at style) |
Creating the billboards was fun.....
We have used Adobe Indesign so we are able to experiment with the typeface and layout. For now we will print out the billboard ideas on A4 plain paper so we can review them properly, before designing the final outcome.
But for the actual final outcome it will be printed out on A1 or A4 smooth cotton paper... maybe newspaper print paper we need to experiment this first.
For now we have used Synchro LET for typography. The size supplied 60pt & 36pt. With this typeface the billboard actually looks like a digital innovation.
Final poster idea: Advertising the blogbook
This poster actually sums up what blogbook is. We have decided to say 'my mind works as a documentationcenter, as like if blogbook was communicating to us instantly.
The typeface Lucida Handwriting is used because the first thing you see in a notebook are notes and thoughts. In other words general writing; however we didn't keep the writing in black it's too simple. Even so, black Lucida Handwriting doesen't match with the blog. The main colours used in the blog are light blue and grey. The stencil typeface connects with the typeface applied in the blog.
Changes & other thoughts:
This poster actually sums up what blogbook is. We have decided to say 'my mind works as a documentationcenter, as like if blogbook was communicating to us instantly.
The typeface Lucida Handwriting is used because the first thing you see in a notebook are notes and thoughts. in other words general writing; however we didn't keep the writing in black it's too simple. Even so, black Lucida Handwriting doesen't match with the blog. The main colours used in the blog are light blue and grey. The stencil typeface connects with the typeface applied in the blog
Apart from creating billboards we are thinking of producing T-shirts or wall graphics. At this stage of the project we have decided to use print production for promoting our blog. Rather than stating comments/word of mouth.
But we thought of a more interesting idea.
Design our own blog of what we think it should look like.. using our questionnaires we will design a blog according to everyone's expectations.
The first early stages- Exhibition page |
The second early stage of the blog |
This blog is called Blogbook it's specially designed for creative students who are into arts not just graphic design students. We have made our own blog using This blog views exhibitions, museums, design agencies, chatbox and many more. The gallery allows the user to view and load work like any other blog can. The reason why we have designed this blog the way we have is to get students using it. And to say i need one of those.
It works like a website but has the style of a notepad. The second design of the blog is better than the other one because the lined paper effect makes the user think what they can post, and it can be anything about arts.