First Idea: Reactions To The Brain
Firstly with this brief my idea, was focused on how does a child feel when they do something.
So i brainstormed, ideas which related to my brief. The most creative idea i came up with was reactions to the brain. The concept of my idea was to replace the periodic table with activities the child is doing and emotions controlled by the brain.
Stage One: Ethnography Brainstorm Ideas |
Stage Two: The Brain Idea (The brain idea is below the first idea)
However this idea didn't work because i wasn't thinking about how my grid will organise information. Even so, reading the brief again i couldn't combine imagery with typography because the brief only stated to use typography and nothing else.
Looking back at my rough sketch, i have discovered a problem which was the brain idea,
it wont allow me to experiment with typography more. The whole point of this brief was to do that not really focus on a nice design.
Second idea: Eat, Walk and Sleep!
I made a decision to change my idea. This time i am following the eat, walk and sleep method the reason being i will be able to collect enough research and a good observational investigation.
From this experience i have produced a fairly strong idea however the outcome was complex and abstract.
The second idea: Eat, Sleep and Walk (this idea is below the first sketch). Final piece (above).
With my final piece i shorted down the idea. I just wanted to show what time in the day does a eleven years old; eat and walk. The reason why the child i have been assisting for this project they don't do much sleeping until the end of the day.
At the crit i received mixed comments, most people said make my grid much more simpler but keep the style. Also to adjust the typography. But everyone agreed the idea is fresh and playful.
For the next step of this project i will make final changes, and show my polished finished outcome.
A rough layout of my idea going towards the final stages Well with my idea i decided to organise my data within the layout of a timeline. However the only drawback is not all the data will fit on a whole page therefore i have to change the comparison of the timeline.
Progression towards the final outcome
Using my mainframe shown above, i have decided to use bars to represent how much time the child does each activity in the morning, this idea is more straightforward and interesting to look at. I think its shocking to see how a child gets ready for school in 20mins. However when i actually tested the timeline on other people they have said it took them time to read information, plus i could have kept the times together and adjust the bars properly. Now i will consider this feedback to improve my idea so information can be communicated efficiently.
I looked at Robert Brownjohn for the typography to reflect the personality of the child's behaviour throughout the timeline.
I still have attempted to keep the college style, for the timeline and typography to stand out.
I have changed the project slightly instead of what the child has done in her day, its more focused on what their have done during the weekday morning period.
Instead of focusing on the art of the timeline, i have worked on typography. American Typewriter typeface has been used to fulfill a personal approach, as like if the child has documented how her morning was but in a graphical format.
Final Outcome:
The timeline has been printed out in black & white to provide texture and volume in the typography. American Typewriter typeface reminds me of typewriters. This style will make any diary, more attractive and easier to read. Now i will use letterpress techniques to push the idea further and experiment with colour a bit more.
Other bits & Research:
Just experimenting with comparsion and typography.
For research i have recorded the childs actions etc, which is presented on line paper almost like a pull out page from a diary.
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