Wednesday 4 May 2011


First half of the magazine spread
Second half of the magazine
This magazine spread was done for the Lily Loveless interview. Lily Loveless is a actress who was in Skins, now she is featuring in a British movie called Sket. This is a draft of the magazine spread, the reason being I am going to create artwork of her which will be inserted onto the magazine spread.  The reason why I have created a London Urban City scene is to show this is her city. You will see what I mean once the magazine page is finished.

The image was created by me, taking photographs of where i live, then playing about with the style in Adobe Photoshop. The magazine was created using Adobe Indesign. 

The final design 

This is the final page of the Lily Loveless interview. I've decided to keep the article on one page, because there is not much text anyway. 

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