Monday 29 November 2010



I would like to begin with hypersexualisation. This subject matter has been exploited for a long period of time in history around the world. Women are known as objects in the media just because advertisers present comfort relationships between men and a particular topic. The topics i have recognised are domestic, products, beauty, fashion, glamour and jobs. From the past this hasn't changed in television ads and magazines.

I strongly agree women are the first frenzy of hypersexualistion imagery as i see it they have more to subscribe on a specific subject without no question, on the other hand i do agree women are portrayed in an innocent way. For example the second video shown advertises domestic/cleaning in a funny direct humour.
But sometimes i don't agree on how women are controlled in certain tabloids or commercial adverts. The reason behind this will be young people end up losing self confidence, even so they become a prime target to import more stress on themselves meaning body image and looks which turns them into a character. Example to support my observation, according to Carol J Adams using women as meat visually is vegan. I totally support what she said, women as models they claim to be art however skinny rather than fat to demonstrate women becoming the same person they see in zines.

Nina Power has made a good accusation about why should women be living in fear. Its important women should be aware of the truth when situations like drinking occur to them, its only shown from the consumers cleverness but yet again the media hids it all. During this lecture i think she should have talked about race other than religion of some sort, she could have contributed her theory on this so there was a bit more analysis.

Women v Man: A drink advert
Cosmopolitan Magazine: skinny women


For work experience i am currently working for the UD Creatives team for the company Urban Development. My role is to promote events to the public via networking. Just recently i wanted to get more involved in writing articles for the UP- DOWN MAGAZINE. The UP- DOWN MAGAZINE is a online publication which consists of urban music news and events, features & reviews and lifestyle.

This is my first online article:

My article: N-Dubz Tulisa turns to acting
I have written this article based on a new drama called Suicide Kids because i was really inspired by the concept of the storyline.

Wednesday 17 November 2010



Well i thought Saul Estrin’s lecture was long, provoking and wasn't that engaging. However he did bring up some interesting guidance on entrepreneurship. To me his points were very helpful, i do believe that we need to be prepared for the future because we are the next designers who are going to create new things or improve market sells, on the other hand his lecture was too demanding as if we were already entrepreneurs and like its our job to change the global market now. Is it really up to us to discover who are we? YES!

I wasn't to sure if he meant changing the global market focusing on money or making new products with big companies such as Apple. To my prospective, its both and we need to consider as a whole in business, either one can fail. Globalization is a very important issue and its detecting problems,referring to the cuts in education and living. I do think new technology has prevented this. Such as iMacs, ipods and the latest ipads, not forgetting that companies spend their money on advertising so whats left for society. Society relating to people of course. We all need to live even though technology will be progressing to make more profit for companies around the world. And without technology life will be difficult and dull.

To sum up people, technology and education are the main aspects to be treated equally or there is going to be a struggle in figures and rates. So how can we balance the global market. Saul Estrin could have interpreted more on how we can improve the market trade before it gets worse. I have decided to talk about technology as an example seeing that some products sold in stores we don't really need. I will be much happier if companies sell the right products for the right reasons so money is spent wisely. As i have recognised imacs are the most acceptable equipment used in colleges, universities and schools etc. I think the purpose of technology needs to be discussed a bit more. 
The London 2010 Stadium has required a lot of money spent on planning and creating it but schools are now suffering in the UK. Its a great experience to have a stadium built for the Olympics but what will it be turned into for the next generation. I have discussed the stadium as one of my other examples because it relates to marketing and cuts also the situation is disturbing the borough where i live.

Furthermore, the majority to what Saul Estrin was saying demonstrates forecast. Explaining how some countries are raising and falling in rates which was very inspiring to hear therefore if we were going to become a entrepreneur we will be aware of how to “perceive and create goods globally” apart from the UK. But designing a product to sell globally can effect a business or customers giving their own approval. Overall i say to be a entrepreneur you have to be clever and hit the requirements but issues will happen and everything is focusing on you because people are depending on your idea.

New technology: Ipad

Monday 8 November 2010



First Idea: Reactions To The Brain

Firstly with this brief my idea, was focused on how does a child feel when they do something.

So i brainstormed, ideas which related to my brief. The most creative idea i came up with was reactions to the brain. The concept of my idea was to replace the periodic table with activities the child is doing and emotions controlled by the brain.

Stage One: Ethnography Brainstorm Ideas

Stage Two: The Brain Idea (The brain idea is below the first idea)

However this idea didn't work because i wasn't thinking about how my grid will organise information. Even so, reading the brief again i couldn't combine imagery with typography because the brief only stated to use typography and nothing else.  

Looking back at my rough sketch, i have discovered a problem which was the brain idea,
it wont allow me to experiment with typography more. The whole point of this brief was to do that not really focus on a nice design.

Second idea: Eat, Walk and Sleep!

I made a decision to change my idea. This time i am following the eat, walk and sleep method the reason being i will be able to collect enough research and a good observational investigation.  

From this experience i have produced a fairly strong idea however the outcome was complex and abstract.

The second idea: Eat, Sleep and Walk (this idea is below the first sketch). Final piece (above).

With my final piece i shorted down the idea.  I just wanted to show what time in the day does a eleven years old; eat and walk. The reason why the child i have been assisting for this project they don't do much sleeping until the end of the day.

At the crit i received mixed comments, most people said make my grid much more simpler but keep the style. Also to adjust the typography. But everyone agreed the idea is fresh and playful.

For the next step of this project i will make final changes, and show my polished finished outcome.

A rough layout of my idea going towards the final stages
Well with my idea i decided to organise my data within the layout of a timeline. However the only drawback is not all the data will fit on a whole page therefore i have to change the comparison of the timeline.