Wednesday 17 November 2010



Well i thought Saul Estrin’s lecture was long, provoking and wasn't that engaging. However he did bring up some interesting guidance on entrepreneurship. To me his points were very helpful, i do believe that we need to be prepared for the future because we are the next designers who are going to create new things or improve market sells, on the other hand his lecture was too demanding as if we were already entrepreneurs and like its our job to change the global market now. Is it really up to us to discover who are we? YES!

I wasn't to sure if he meant changing the global market focusing on money or making new products with big companies such as Apple. To my prospective, its both and we need to consider as a whole in business, either one can fail. Globalization is a very important issue and its detecting problems,referring to the cuts in education and living. I do think new technology has prevented this. Such as iMacs, ipods and the latest ipads, not forgetting that companies spend their money on advertising so whats left for society. Society relating to people of course. We all need to live even though technology will be progressing to make more profit for companies around the world. And without technology life will be difficult and dull.

To sum up people, technology and education are the main aspects to be treated equally or there is going to be a struggle in figures and rates. So how can we balance the global market. Saul Estrin could have interpreted more on how we can improve the market trade before it gets worse. I have decided to talk about technology as an example seeing that some products sold in stores we don't really need. I will be much happier if companies sell the right products for the right reasons so money is spent wisely. As i have recognised imacs are the most acceptable equipment used in colleges, universities and schools etc. I think the purpose of technology needs to be discussed a bit more. 
The London 2010 Stadium has required a lot of money spent on planning and creating it but schools are now suffering in the UK. Its a great experience to have a stadium built for the Olympics but what will it be turned into for the next generation. I have discussed the stadium as one of my other examples because it relates to marketing and cuts also the situation is disturbing the borough where i live.

Furthermore, the majority to what Saul Estrin was saying demonstrates forecast. Explaining how some countries are raising and falling in rates which was very inspiring to hear therefore if we were going to become a entrepreneur we will be aware of how to “perceive and create goods globally” apart from the UK. But designing a product to sell globally can effect a business or customers giving their own approval. Overall i say to be a entrepreneur you have to be clever and hit the requirements but issues will happen and everything is focusing on you because people are depending on your idea.

New technology: Ipad

New idea: London 2012

Saul Estrin his point of view is the opposite of mine:

This is his website:

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