Tuesday 10 May 2011


The whole idea is to idenify what needs improving, something about everyday life. 

I've decided to look at recyling, these are the ideas i've came up with:

Turning a t-shirt into a travel bag
Creating a diferent scarfs which haven't been done before. 
Scarfs into cloth fabric belts 
Scrafs into jewellery 

Examples of scarfs as a product at Robert Dyas

Shirt into a travel bag

different ways to use a scarf

scarfs into a necklace
Most of these ideas have been already done but i am going to discover different textile patterns which have been used to create, scarfs out of braclets.

Now i've thought of the weather, this is what i've come up with: 
Turning a umbrella into a summer hat into a travel bag.

Umbella hat
On the internet people are talking about it. But has been already designed by Robert W Pattern. However the design of it can do so much more and could be better.

My chosen idea
I've decided to create unusual scarves. But using different textile patterns. My aim is to encorage people to recyling their old garments using them to create scarves.

Package design: Scarf patterns

For the packaging i have decided to use, the main two types of scarf patterns. It's a good way for advertising also this will encorage people to buy the product. The name of the product is called scarf patterns because that's what i am selling however the company name is called style. I thought of style because the word relates to anything involving fashion.

The packaging is in the form of a plastic bag/wallet like you would see in a real shop. Most companies, package craft products like this because it's easier to handle and simplier. But according to what the prouduct is. My packaging design has been done in Indesign but i took photos of my product (scarf patterns) and did more with the image in Photoshop. I  printed the design on gloss paper to make the packaging realistic.

The scarf patterns (product)

bandana scarf shape (preview)

circle shape for artwork on scarves

simple scarf shape

square shape
The scarf patterns are done by reserach and then the next step designing my own. Firstly, i used two different scarves which are mine.

The circle pattern has been taken from a book i have brought called Sew!. This book came with different textile patterns for certian projects but instead i have thought about using the circle patterns for creating embroidery or artwork which can be done on the scarves.

The bandana scarf pattern i have added my own shapes onto it, where the person can sew on sew and create some sort of patchwork onto that particluar scarf.

The simple rectangle design is designed to produce your own simple scarf. The small square can be used to be placed anywhere on your scarves, for creating artwork as well. Not just for using the shape.

The material i have used to make the pattern shapes are tracing and greaseproof paper because both materials are see through. However i am going to use coloured card.  Using colours red and blue to give the shapes a funky effect like as seen on the packaging.

Final outcome: Scarf pattterns

scarf pattern

Shapes used for adding artwork on scarves

Textile pattern for a long scarf: preview scan

Scarf examples:

Wrap or can be used as a scarf

I have used the simple rectangle pattern. This is the scarf i have produced from it. Bearing in mind you don't need your scarf to be boring or just that simple shape. I have used my old dress (purple silk fabric) and jeans to create this one.

patchwork on scarf

I have used the same technique however this time i did some overlay patchwork on the scarf. Just by using the bandana scarf shape. This scarf looks very trendy when worn foer your neck.

short jeans scarf with a rose pin
This idea is so basic. Just by using half of the rectangle scarf pattern i have made a short scarf. The simple technique just invloves cutting no stiching.

The final package

The scarf patterns inside the package

Sketchbook work and more research:

ideas for packaging
Scarf ideas
 The ideas that i have sketched were changed while i was producing the final outcome.

sew book brought in John Lewis

Textile pattern sheet which come with the book

Other research:
I looked at a website called Cut Out to see and learn what types of techniques i could use, so i was able to design my own scarves.

Website link: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/tshirt_scarf

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