Tuesday 3 May 2011


Earlier, in this proposal I did write I don’t know what my outcome or ideas will be, but now I have recommended some print ideas. My chosen artists’ for this project did  make me think of pitching several concepts. These artworks could be exhibited to be designed for an exhibition, as well as to be promoted commercially or can be brought in special shops.

I’ve decided to produce music photographical vinyl and CD journals. This is my first idea I have in mind. Each journal will consist of music videos and performances by artists who have written songs/tracks for certain events which had happened in a specific era; seeing that music videos always bring back memories classifying a statement, even a CD or vinyl cover say a lot when you look at it.        
            The vinyl and CD covers will reveal the artist/singer, they will be identified with an image of themselves, this persona could be either a band or a solo artist. Inside the designed cover there will be a journal which I have said before, this journal will have the name of the artist on the front, at it will look like an ordinary book but the whole visual will be different. Each music video or live performance will be referenced with a title. I might use mixed media for this idea. This involves silk printing with light paper etc; to produce some photography prints or just some traditional photography it depends; but I will explore different textures and materials.

Furthermore, to go with the journals I will like to produce some commercial posters but with a slight twist to an ordinary poster. It will have a street style design to attract the public effectively, the posters will appeal to everyone involving all genres of music; yet again music sends out a message anyway. However I will be very selective on lyrics, making sure the tracks have a link to issues happening in our society reinforcing back to what is stated at the start of this proposal.

The appearance of these posters will be in a form of protest banners, for example; the banners you will see in a protest. I’ve thought about using different types of typography and colour for each tune to portray feeling but following Andy Warhol’s technique and style. If  I am luck enough I’m hoping to find the singer’s or band’s handwriting, meaning having the song written in their handwriting this will make the project much more personal. But I still what to keep the concept of the posters loud and bold, which I have already mentioned.
            As for positioning the posters as commercial artwork I was thinking, why not use the street walls. Right now I’m thinking of stencilling the handle onto the street walls; to hold the style of the posters however I will cut, trim and frame the posters in position. While I was writing up this idea, I just though of Banksy a street graffiti artist who takes his opinions and issues into a weird unusual concept, his work is similar to what I want to achieve for the posters. 

If this idea turns into an exhibition I will take photographs of the banners and create a promotional poster to promote my exhibition. It will do the same thing for my third idea which I will explain briefly.

My last idea will be to produce several sets of photography prints and drawings to represent Brixton riots, life struggles and crimes; from beginning to now. In this case I will need to use both of my chosen artist’s who are Kimathi Donkor and Andy Warhol. There will be no typography involved because I want the public to discover what I’m communicating. As a graphic designer my aim is to make the public speak, I want them to make a conversation.

Continuing my thinking I’m willing to produce a moral, this moral will be done as a separate poster using typography and colour. 


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