Wednesday 27 April 2011


My project will be focused on violent events which accord within the time of the Brixton riots and latest events. The reason why I am so concern to do my project based in the past and present is because Ive learnt a lot about slavery but from the riot so much has happened, being brought up in London I believe that slavery turned to the worst in the black community. Talking to people who has experienced or have seen crime against black people, they have said that the police has caused it. But really. Are we fighting in our own community we are living in. Is history repeating again? Some people have said YES.  At the same time people say mostly the youngsters are destroying themselves and disturbing the community, in general this doesnt consider if your black anymore nowadays young people are killing people. People claim there is nothing for youngsters to do or it might be the rap music they are listening to. In this case the music can influence them, allowing youngsters to behave the way they are. All what I have said is based on facts,  its all what others are saying. In this case to answer if history is repeating again. I will do a documentation of the Brixton riots up to whats happening today. This will be done through creative writing, at the end I will produce some sort of artwork representing what I have said.

Brixton riots

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